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Contribute to VizAssist

The VizAssist project is evolving and we would be glad to include your suggestions. The next round of development is planned in October 2015 until April 2016. In the meantime, please send us all your suggestions, such as:

  • Interesting visualizations (in D3js of course) that you would like to use in VizAssist. This can be your own visualizations,
  • Interesting datasets that we could use as demo files,
  • More (or less) user objectives,
  • Improvements to the user interface, to the interactive GA or to the D3js visualizations.

To make such suggestions, please use the “Contact us” or “Bug report” links in VizAssist (upper right corner).

Thanks a lot.

contribute_to_vizassist.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/18 13:34 by venturini